Yin Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Yin yoga involves holding passive poses for several minutes to gently stretch connective tissues. Benefits include improved flexibility, stress reduction, enhanced circulation, joint health, and mindfulness. Josh is a 500…

Mosaic – Mosaïque

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

The Canadian Mosaic represents the rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions woven together across the vast expanse of the Great White North. Embracing multiculturalism as a cornerstone of national…

Smudging Ceremony & Vernissage – Cérémonie de purification & Vernissage

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

With Elders Archie Martin and wife PierretteMeet the Artists Pam Cailloux, Lise Perras and Rita Iriarte. Avec les aînés Archie Martin et son épouse PierretteRencontrez les artistes Pam Cailloux, Lise…

Vinyasa Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Vinyasa yoga is a flowing practice where movement is synchronized with breath. It improves flexibility, builds strength, reduces stress, enhances cardiovascular health, and promotes mindfulness and it’s a pretty good…

Vinyasa Yoga with Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Vinyasa yoga is a flowing practice where movement is synchronized with breath. It improves flexibility, builds strength, reduces stress, enhances cardiovascular health, and promotes mindfulness and it’s a pretty good…

$15 – $56

Chai & Chat

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Join us for a weekly drop-in gathering where you bring your own art project to work on in the company of others! All levels are welcome. Network with other artists…


Book Signing with Marc Scott

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Join author Marc Scott as he presents a talk about his journey as a writer, followed by a question periodand book signing session. Marc is the author of several books,…

Vinyasa Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Vinyasa yoga is a flowing practice where movement is synchronized with breath. It improves flexibility, builds strength, reduces stress, enhances cardiovascular health, and promotes mindfulness and it’s a pretty good…

Vinyasa Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Vinyasa yoga is a flowing practice where movement is synchronized with breath. It improves flexibility, builds strength, reduces stress, enhances cardiovascular health, and promotes mindfulness and it’s a pretty good…

Chai & Chat

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Join us for a weekly drop-in gathering where you bring your own art project to work on in the company of others! All levels are welcome. Network with other artists…