Yin Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Yin yoga involves holding passive poses for several minutes to gently stretch connective tissues. Benefits include improved flexibility, stress reduction, enhanced circulation, joint health, and mindfulness. Josh is a 500 Hour Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher. Drop-ins are $15 For more information and to reserve contact Josh on Facebook here, or email him at: [email protected] Le…

Vinyasa Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Vinyasa yoga is a flowing practice where movement is synchronized with breath. It improves flexibility, builds strength, reduces stress, enhances cardiovascular health, and promotes mindfulness. Drop-ins: $15. For more information and to reserve contact Josh on Facebook here, or email him at: [email protected]. Le yoga vinyasa est une pratique fluide où le mouvement est synchronisé…

Yin Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Yin yoga involves holding passive poses for several minutes to gently stretch connective tissues. Benefits include improved flexibility, stress reduction, enhanced circulation, joint health, and mindfulness. Josh is a 500 Hour Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher. Drop-ins are $15 For more information and to reserve contact Josh on Facebook here, or email him at: [email protected] Le…

Vinyasa Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Vinyasa yoga is a flowing practice where movement is synchronized with breath. It improves flexibility, builds strength, reduces stress, enhances cardiovascular health, and promotes mindfulness. Drop-ins: $15. For more information and to reserve contact Josh on Facebook here, or email him at: [email protected]. Le yoga vinyasa est une pratique fluide où le mouvement est synchronisé…

Canceled Gathering Sparks with Cheryl Prashker in concert! – Gathering Sparks avec Cheryl Prashker en concert !

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Find more info on Gathering Sparks with Cheryl Prashker at their website found here: https://gatheringsparks.com/ Tickets are $25 per person ($20 for our members) and can be pre-bought via e-transfer to [email protected] – please provide your full name and contact info. as well as the name of the concert/performers, and date. Limited seating available. Trouvez plus d’informations…

Volunteer Fair @ The Vankleek Hill Community Centre- Foire du bénévolat @ Centre communautaire de Vankleek Hill

Vankleek Hill Community Centre 36 Mill St E, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Arbor Gallery will be part of the first Vankleek Hill Volunteer Fair organized by The Review.  Admission is free to this event which runs from 11 am to 4 pm at the Vankleek Hill Community Centre (upstairs).  Come discover local nonprofit organisations and see how you can help your community. La galerie Arbor participera à la première…

Yin Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Yin yoga involves holding passive poses for several minutes to gently stretch connective tissues. Benefits include improved flexibility, stress reduction, enhanced circulation, joint health, and mindfulness. Josh is a 500 Hour Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher. Drop-ins are $15 For more information and to reserve contact Josh on Facebook here, or email him at: [email protected] Le…

Vinyasa Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Vinyasa yoga is a flowing practice where movement is synchronized with breath. It improves flexibility, builds strength, reduces stress, enhances cardiovascular health, and promotes mindfulness. Drop-ins: $15. For more information and to reserve contact Josh on Facebook here, or email him at: [email protected].   Le yoga vinyasa est une pratique fluide où le mouvement est…

Finissage: Surfaces, Depths, and In-betweens / Surfaces, profondeurs, et entre-deux

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Join us for the finissage for exhibition: Surfaces, Depths, and In-betweens by Shelley Freeman and Wendy Thomas. Rejoignez-nous pour le finissage de l’exposition : Surfaces, profondeurs, et entre-deux par Shelley Freeman et Wendy Thomas.

Yin Yoga with-avec Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Yin yoga involves holding passive poses for several minutes to gently stretch connective tissues. Benefits include improved flexibility, stress reduction, enhanced circulation, joint health, and mindfulness. Josh is a 500 Hour Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher. Drop-ins are $15 For more information and to reserve contact Josh on Facebook here, or email him at: [email protected] Le…