Attune by – par Lauren Michelle Levesque

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Join us at the Arbor Gallery for the exhibition Attune by Lauren Michelle Levesque. Joignez-nous à la Galerie Arbor pour l’exposition Attune par Lauren Michelle Levesque.

Walking in My Yesterdays by – par Susie Fairbrother

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Join us at the Arbor Gallery for the exhibition: Walking in My Yesterdays by Susie Fairbrother. Joignez-nous à la Galerie Arbor pour une exposition : Walking in My Yesterdays par…

Yin Yoga with Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Yin Yoga is a slower-paced, more meditative practice that focuses on the connective tissues rather than the muscles themselves. This practice is perfect for those new to yoga and those…

Vinyasa Yoga with Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Vinyasa Yoga seeks to connect movement and breath making it a very active practice by flowing from pose to pose at a quicker pace to promote wellbeing: mind, body and…

Finissages: Walking in My Yesterdays and-et Attune

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Meet Susie Fairbrother and Lauren Michelle Levesque for a shared finissage of their respective exhibitions: Walking in My Yesterdays by Susie Fairbrother and Attune by Lauren Michelle Levesque. Rencontrez Susie…

Yin Yoga with Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Yin Yoga is a slower-paced, more meditative practice that focuses on the connective tissues rather than the muscles themselves. This practice is perfect for those new to yoga and those…

Vinyasa Yoga with Josh Clendenin

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Vinyasa Yoga seeks to connect movement and breath making it a very active practice by flowing from pose to pose at a quicker pace to promote wellbeing: mind, body and…

Artful Ageing – L’art de vieillir

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada

Join us at the Arbor Gallery for the group community exhibition: Artful Ageing. Community Art Show with 27 amateur artists ages 60-90 years! Joignez-nous à la Arbor Gallery pour l’exposition…