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Shadow Puppetry Workshop with Janie Renée

February 22 @ 10:00 12:00

Shadow Puppetry with Janie Renée

Saturday, February 22, 10am – 12pm

Ages 12 years to Adult 

Presented in English and French

Cost: $20 (includes materials)

To register, contact: [email protected]

Curious about the mysterious art of shadow puppetry? 

In this two-hour workshop, participants will learn about the history of shadow puppetry and how to fabricate shadow puppets. After creating and assembling their puppet, participants will explore various puppetry manipulation techniques (level of complexity depends on participant’s age). Finally, students will learn various dramatic effects that can be achieved by moving both the puppets and the light source, and the workshop will end with a short performance. 

This workshop is designed for ages 12 years to adult.

About the Instructor:

Janie Renée is a Franco-Ontarian multidisciplinary and creative artist and songwriter who has been leading workshops for over 30 years. 

Arbor Gallery thanks MASC (www.masconline.ca) for facilitating this event, which brings unique cultural programming to our community.

This event is made possible thanks to the support of Champlain Township and our event sponsor, Totem Roasters (www.totemroaster.com).

Arbor Gallery – Galerie Arbor

103 High Street
Vankleek Hill, Ontario K0B1R0 Canada
+ Google Map
(613) 678-6171